We firmly believe in our product and that it will stand the test of time.

We guarantee that our product is not made overseas and as we are very closely involved with greyhounds, we do have an understanding and knowledge of what is required.

We welcome as many questions or queries you may have before you make your purchase. We guarantee that our product will not disappoint you.

If however, you do wish to return the product, we can do an exchange, fix the problem or do a refund less postage paid. All products purchased must be returned to us in unused condition within 7 days, unless otherwise arranged.

For any 'technical' issues, please contact Theo on mobile 0404 499 385.

Any other issues, please contact Liz on 03 5762 8484 or mob 0410 043 218 or email greyhound@people.net.au

NB - It would be appreciated if you would, as the buyer, kindly consider this small request. Whenever someone buys a product, and they are not happy, they will tell your friends. Please consider us your friend and tell us, mail us, text us, to inform us why you think the product is not quite right, so that we may be able to provide a solution or improve our product, should that be at fault.